Awareness | Human Firewall, A Cyber Security Awareness Lifestyle Store – Page 6

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Human Firewall Tip # 18: Be SMART on the Internet

[4-minute read] We are in a very different situation right now due to the on-going Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Most of the people are required to work from home or do home schooling. CNBC has shared an article related to expected internet traffic surge which means more and more people will be using the internet to work, connect to their loved ones or even watch Netflix.

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Human Firewall Tip # 17: Work "Securely" From Home

[4-minute read] The coronavirus pandemic situation has forced majority of us from working from home (WFH). This is to ensure we implement social distancing to "flatten the curve" to keep hospitals and doctors’ offices from becoming overwhelmed with sick patients. This version of #humanfirewalltipoftheday is all about how to work "securely" from home to ensure you are still protected from cyber attacks. If you are following the Human Firewall Tips, most of the information that we have shared are tackled or highlighted on our previous #humanfirewalltips . We may be repeating ourselves already but we need to do this so that you will be able to understand or apply these tips and hopefully make it part of your lifestyle. 

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Human Firewall Tip # 16: Social Distancing, Isolation and Quarantine

[1-minute read] According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, social distancing, isolation and quarantine are ways to prevent or stop the virus from spreading. Regardless of who you are, where you are located or what you believe on, we have a role to play on the crisis that are affecting thousands of people. That is why we are hoping that shifting the topic a little bit may increase the level of awareness.

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Human Firewall Tip # 15: Coronavirus and Cyber Attack Prevention

[4-minute read] As a recap, we have started this series by comparing basic cyber security terminologies as we compare it with COVID-19. Then we have tackled what are the on-going cyber attacks that are targeting people's fear and curiosity. To end the three-part "Coronavirus and Cyber Security" series, we are sharing how we can at least prevent to become a victim of cyber attacks that are taking advantage of the on-going pandemic situation.

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Human Firewall Tip # 14: Coronavirus and Cyber Security Attacks

[4-minute read] We have started this "Coronavirus and Cyber Security" series to reiterate why cyber security awareness is important than ever. This is to give people an idea of basic terminologies, cyber attacks created that take advantage of people's fear and curiosity and an understanding of how to prevent or protect yourself. 

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